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Raila Odinga Invited To Address London Political Summit 2016

CORD leader Raila Odinga has announced that he will not join Kenyans in marking the 7th Mashujaa Day but will instead travel to United Kingdom.

Mr Odinga on Thursday stated that he was set to deliver a lecture at a London University necessitating him to leave the country even as Kenyans celebrate the holiday.

“I will not be able to join you in Mashujaa Day celebrations today for I have had to travel to the United Kingdom this morning. I am scheduled to address students, scholars, public service officials and political leaders at the London Metropolitan University tomorrow during the opening session of the London Political Summit 2016,” he divulged.

The opposition chief disclosed that he had been invited to address the Friday forum on the topic of “The Place of Opposition in a Hostile Political Environment”.

Despite missing in action, Odinga assured that he was in solidarity with the country during this day which was set aside to celebrate individuals who have made notable contribution to the development of the nation.

“I am however in solidarity with fellow citizens in Kenya and around the globe as we reflect on the state of our nation on this Mashujaa Day and how we can best contribute to make our country, better, stronger and more united today and into the future thereby creating new heroes that the next generation of Kenyans can be proud of,” he affirmed.

Meanwhile, President Uhuru Kenyatta will lead the country in marking the day in Machakos county, being the first time the event is being celebrated outside Nairobi.

Earlier, the opposition refuted reports making rounds on social media that it was planning to hold a similar event in the neighbouring Makueni County.

ODM Communications Director Phillip Etale asserted that CORD Secretariat was not aware of such a plan adding that the rumours were being spread by individuals with ill intentions.

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