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A Tribute to an Outstanding Stewardship in Nigeria’s Public Service: An Ode to Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, PhD

In the annals of Nigeria’s public service, certain names stand out not just for their roles but for their remarkable impact, vision, and dedication. Among these names, Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, PhD, shines brightly as a beacon of integrity, leadership, and service to humanity. Her stewardship has been nothing short of exemplary, a testament to what is possible when passion meets purpose.

Academic and Professional Excellence

Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, PhD, is a Professor of Public Law at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies; an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom); a Notary Public for Nigeria; a distinguished academic, a published author, a legal practitioner, and a human rights activist. Prior to her appointment as Director-General of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) in September 2021, she was the Senior Special Assistant to former President Muhammadu Buhari on Rule of Law in the Office of the Vice President from 2019 to 2021.

Prof. Waziri-Azi holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; a Barrister-at-Law Degree from the Nigerian Law School, Lagos; a Master of Laws Degree in International Law and Human Rights from St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami, Florida, USA; a Doctor of Juridical Science Degree (PhD in Law) from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; and a Certificate in Public Leadership from the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education Program, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Her past work experiences include serving as Attorney & Program Officer at Human Rights Law Service; Legal Associate at the New York City Administration for Children’s Services, Division of Legal Services; Legal Fellow at Transparency International USA (Washington, D.C.); and Researcher at the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption (PACAC). Prof. Waziri-Azi is the 2022 recipient of the prestigious University of Pittsburgh Sheth International Young Alumni Achievement Award.

In 2016, she founded the Safe Haven Foundation, an organization dedicated to the protection of women and children. She is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association, New York County Lawyers Association, Association of Women in Development, Women in International Security, and the International Scrabble Club.

Prof. Waziri-Azi’s journey in public service has been characterized by a relentless pursuit of justice, equity, and empowerment. With a profound understanding of the complexities of governance and a deep commitment to societal betterment, she has navigated the corridors of power with grace and unwavering resolve.

Her contributions are not confined to policy formulation or administrative excellence alone. They extend to the lives she has touched, the minds she has inspired, and the systemic changes she has championed. Whether advocating for the rights of the marginalized or spearheading initiatives that promote transparency and accountability, Prof. Waziri-Azi has consistently demonstrated that leadership is about service, not power.

Her tenure is marked by numerous achievements, each a milestone in the journey toward a more just and equitable society. Yet, beyond the accolades and accomplishments, it is her vision for a Nigeria where every citizen is empowered to contribute to nation-building that truly defines her legacy.

In the three years since Prof. Waziri-Azi was appointed as DG NAPTIP, she has ensured 190 human trafficking convictions from January 2022 to August 2024, representing 27.94% of total convictions secured by NAPTIP in 21 years. This includes the conviction of a law enforcement officer for human trafficking and three mutual legal assistance cases between Nigeria and Belgium, Spain, and Italy.

During her stewardship, NAPTIP has also begun the prosecution of the first-ever Trafficking in Persons for Organ Harvesting case in Nigeria and recorded an increase in the rescue and rehabilitation of victims, surpassing previous records in the agency’s 21-year history. The agency now provides welcome packs for victims of human trafficking and sexual and gender-based violence to help them reintegrate into normal life.

The agency has expanded its commands into 33 out of 36 states with the establishment of offices in Taraba, Kwara, Kebbi, Ogun, Jigawa, Zamfara, and Ondo, and upgraded six liaison offices to state commands in Plateau, Yobe, Gombe, Rivers, Kaduna, and Katsina.

There is improved donor support for NAPTIP through efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability, including the provision of additional operational vehicles from donor partners within two years, the development of the NAPTIP iReporter App (available on the Apple Store and Google Play Store), and the development of the NAPTIP Learning Management System—a one-stop shop for digital training for NAPTIP officers. Additionally, the NAPTIP Training Resource Centre, male and female Detention Centres at the headquarters, and NAPTIP shelters across the country have been renovated.

Her leadership prioritized prevention through education among young people with the establishment of Anti-Human Trafficking and Violence Against Persons Vanguards in 154 schools across Nigeria from June 2022 to July 2024. She also introduced regular mental health and trauma counseling sessions for officers to improve their productivity and overall wellness.

On the human resources side, she helped secure the increment and implementation of peculiar and rent allowances for NAPTIP officers by 25% and 50%, respectively, from the Federal Government and facilitated the employment of four victims of human trafficking in 2023.

NAPTIP now boasts a Survivors Co-Mentoring Series for victims of human trafficking and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, a Cybersecurity Response Team (N-CRT), and a “Conversation with NAPTIP” digital forum, live-streamed via the agency’s social media handles to converse with the public about the work of the agency and to elicit feedback.

The agency is leveraging media channels, including producing short films and skits, to enhance awareness. It has partnered with Meta to launch Amber Alert Nigeria on Facebook and Instagram, aiming to assist in locating abducted children by sending alerts to the news feeds of people in targeted search areas across Nigeria.

The agency also launched the NAPTIP Disability Policy on July 27, 2023. With the support of the Ford Foundation, it piloted the production of the Trafficking in Persons Act, the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act, and other IEC materials in braille and audiovisual formats for the hearing and visually impaired, and employed five persons living with disabilities.

In honoring Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, we celebrate not just her past accomplishments but also the enduring influence she will continue to have on the future of Nigeria’s public service. Her work stands as a reminder that true stewardship is about leaving a place better than one found it, and in this, she has succeeded beyond measure.

As we pay tribute to her outstanding service, let us also reaffirm our commitment to the ideals she has championed—integrity, fairness, and a relentless pursuit of the common good. For in celebrating Prof. Waziri-Azi, we are also celebrating the best of what Nigeria can offer—a future where leadership is synonymous with service and where every public servant is inspired to follow in her footsteps.

Cater and Merger Consult UK & Nigeria salute an Amazon of our time, Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, PhD.