“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy therefore, is education” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.

 Political leaders as democratically elected representatives of the people who are vulnerable to de-selection, or re-call for ill-performance and operate within the constitutional provisions and the rule of law are bind to be relative and responsive.

 The presence of political leaders in offices is informed by the collective mandate of the people to marshal state resources for the benefit of the commune to which they serve. The politics of public service is one which requires tact and strategy in dealing with a multiplicity of interests while maintaining administrative excellence in the implementation of progressive policies.

 However, overarching the interest, they must do so within the ambit of the rule of law and constitutionally binding provisions. When the respect for the rule of law aligns with the interest to serve and the consistency in delivering benefits to constituents despite the ever-evolving global demands of geo-politics, then the true spirit of democracy can be said to be upheld.

 This is a historic era in achievement of the citizens’ rights, Diaspora integration, civil society order, political equality and democratic peace. With the tremendous achievements in increasing political participation and public advocacy for civil liberties equal rights, for and by all interest’s groups in the society around the world, it is worthy to celebrate this laudable achievement which remains a far more significant democratic representation in politics at the macro and global scale. It is also important to celebrate the increasing awareness and inclusion of the various ethnic-nationalities in the democratic engagement both in the diaspora and developed countries, with the rising sustainability of a democratic structure on the African continent, though certain part of the continent has suddenly seen a major shift from democracy to militocracy in most resent, which is highly unacceptable in an evolving world of political dynamics.

This year’s summit is going to be focusing on the dynamics of political culture and structure, by discussing the 4Ps’ that shapes a commune, “People, Place, Politics, and Power, which is the Theme of the summit.

The summit keynote speaker, His Excellency, Former Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, and other guest speakers, including the current Governor of Akwa Ibom State, His Excellency, Pastor Eno. Umo, the representative of the President of Sierria Leone, HE. Amb. Dr. Morie Manyeh, the Sierria Leone High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Paul Bristow MP, Jonathan Ashworth MP, Clir. Michael Situ, The Worshipful Mayor of Southwark and many others would be sharing their experiences and thoughts on this fundamental ideation of our polity, we intend to end this season with a possible City Twining agreement between The London Borough of Southwark and The City of Uyo, setting up an intercity cooperation and partnership for socio-economic development.

The summit is planned to hold from the 18th to the 20th of October, 2023, with a parliamentary session, at the House of Commons, hosted by Hon. Paul Bristow MP for Peterborough City, a mayoral session, hosted by the Worshipful Mayor of Southwark, Clir. Michael Situ, a private G-B, (Government-to-Business) roundtable meeting , hosted by ByAfrica, and finally an invitation only Awards Diner Gala Night, in the City of London.

 The London Political Summit is created to promote the sustainability and advancement of political order and democratic peace, leveraging on a stable governance to bridge the gap between politics and business for common prosperity and the greater good of the greatest number of people in the society.

This year at the summit awards night, some great personalities and businesses in the Uk, would be recognised for their enormous achievements and contributions to political stability and socio-economic growth of our society.

There would be awards for the African President of the Year, African Leader of the Year, Parliamentarian of the year, LPSA Ambassador of the Year, London Borough Mayor of the Year, LPSA Business Leader of the Year and many more. The Award Dinner Gala Night would be held at the Cap-throne Tara Hotel, off Kensington High Street, London.

London Political Summit and Awards 2023, is chaired by Prof. Kishan Devani BEM, and Moderated by Prof. Pauline Long a Co-Convener, the summit is by Powered by Cater and Merger Consult UK.

We hopefully look forward to the full cooperation of the media community, both local and international


LPSA. Media Team.