“The only motive that can keep politics pure is the motive of doing good for one’s country and its people”. Henry Ford.  

The paradigm shift in political thoughts and actions around the world in most recent years, has resonate the idea that nations should govern itself, free from external interference, that defies super-globalisation and its current burning issues such as; climate change, disarmament, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, terrorism, health pandemic, national security, identity and sovereignty, which requires the attention of both domestic and national politics.  

The LPS team are a trusted and experienced individuals with deep passion and interest in national and transnational issues of democratic governance and prospective political leadership.

We would be looking at the narrow and broad concepts of transitional political leadership shift, in the context of transitional leaders, the effect political inclusion on leadership actions in critical political decision-making in governance.  

The LPS would be convening annual summit and awards in London to boost the further discuss and debates on the role and place of politics in modern democratic order as nation states continue to evolve.

The London Political Summit and Awards, is a socio-political platform that began in 2016, with the support of key political leaders of thought and academia. Over the
years, we have seen great contribution especially within the past summits. This has evolved to the establishment of the Annual Uhuru/Railia African Peace Accord Awards, in honour of the two great sons of African politics, President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, and his brother, Rt. Hon. Railia Odinga the former Prime Minister of Kenya, whose peace accord initiative in 2018, brought about democratic peace in Kenya politics.

The main advocacy of the London Political Summit is to propagate and advance the need for political order, democratic peace and good governance among developing countries, through dialogue and cooperation.
Having held the previous summit in 2016, 2017, and 2018 at the London Metropolitan University, Holloway Road in London, our Founding Academic partners. In the year 2018, we had the privilege of the Worshipful Mayor, Clir. Dave Poyser, as the Special Guest of Honour, we have also enjoyed a very strong support from Clir. Rakhia Ismail, the immediate past Mayor of Islington, she has been supporting the summit ever since it inception in 2016.

It is worth mentioning the immeasurable support of the two-time Mayor of Enfield, Clir. Dr. Kate Anolue who also hosted our 2019 summit in the London Borough of Enfield Council Chamber. We are indeed grateful to Clir. Rakhia Ismail again for the return of the summit to the Borough of Islington in 2021. A warm appreciation to The Worshipful Mayor of Islington, Clir. Troy Gallagher for hosting the summit in the Great Council Chamber just few weeks after Covid Freedom in the UK.

The London Political Summit Chairperson and Global Ambassador is Her Excellency. Amb. Dr. Josephine Ojiambo, Former Deputy Secretary, General of the Commonwealth and former Kenya Ambassador to the UN.

 Trade for Peace Ambassador Awards
 For the African President of the year
 The African Political Leader of the year
 The African Governor of the Year
 The African Parliamentarian of the Year
 UK Political leader of the year.
 The UK Councillor of the year
 The UK Mayor of the year
 The UK Council Leader of the year
 Democratic Peace Ambassador Awards
 Uk CSR Business of the Year

At this eighth annual summit we will be presenting the highly acknowledged Award that symbolises the true legacy of outstanding political stewardship and sportsmanship as demonstrated by the two great sons of Kenya and Africa in their honest quest to end political violence, unhealthy political competition and bring about democratic peace. They have been able to exhibit a new dynamic political culture that reflects Afrocracy – A dimension of African political character and practices set to reshape the political behaviour and moral judgments African leaders and a people’s governance.

Previous Awards Recipients include :
 Right Hon. Railia Amoo Odinga. Former Prime Minister of Kenya.
 His Excellency. Uhuru kenyatta. CGH. Former President of Kenya
 His Excellency. Dr. Peter Bingu wa Mutharika Former President of Malawi
 His Excellency. Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera. President of Malawi
 His Excellency. Julius Maada Bio. President of Sierra Leone
 His Excellency. Rt. Hon. Dr. Rebecca Kadaga. Former Speaker. Uganda House of Parliament
 His Excellency. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel. Former Governor of Akwa Ibom.