You are currently viewing Communique Issued At The End of The Sixth London Political Summit and Awards 2021, Held on 14th Oct. 2021 At The London Borough of Islington Council Chamber, Town Hall, 222 Upper Street N1 2UD, London, United Kingdom
The Sixth London Political Summit and Awards 2021

Communique Issued At The End of The Sixth London Political Summit and Awards 2021, Held on 14th Oct. 2021 At The London Borough of Islington Council Chamber, Town Hall, 222 Upper Street N1 2UD, London, United Kingdom


The Sixth London Political Summit was held on the 14th of October 2021, in honour of the Black History Month, in collaboration with the Black Table Conversation and Across Atlantic Development UK. This was supported by Diaspora Commonwealth Community Leaders
(DCCL), Media Partners including BEN Television London, the first Ethnic Minority Black Television Network in the UK, Wazobia Media
Group USA, Channels Television, AIT, and Africa Informer Newspaper, as this year’s summit official media partners.

The Sixth London Political Summit and Awards 2021

The theme of the summit wasThe Politics of Vaccine Nationalism and Democratic values in an Era of Global Pandemic: Post-Covid African Socio-Economic Development. It was aimed at exploring political ideologies, international political structures, and leadership ethics for citizens governance and societal good. During the course of the summit, the boundaries of gender equality in politics, democratic integrity, post-pandemic restructuring and multilateral relationships in the national and global space were also considered from the points of view of policy experts and political leaders who were present at the summit.

Furthermore, the Uhuru/Raila African Peace Award was given to deserving political leaders. The award symbolizes the true legacy of
outstanding political stewardship and sportsmanship as demonstrated by the two great sons of Kenya and Africa in their honest quest to end political violence, unhealthy political competition and bring about democratic peace. These leaders, over time have been able to exhibit a new dynamic political culture that reflects Afrocracy – a dimension of the African political character and practices set to reshape the political behaviour and moral judgment of African leaders.

In the course of the deliberations, participants at the summit noted the following:

  1. That Africa is a vast continent with enormous potential. The headlines received do not adequately reflect its resourcefulness.
    Africa is key to the wellbeing of this earth. Africa’s potential as a growth market for value delivery remains both underestimated and
    misunderstood—as does the potential for business to play a transformative role in solving the continent’s biggest challenges.
    Africa’s fast-growing population and markets present important opportunities for business in an environment of slowing global
    growth. At the same time, greater innovation and investment from business is essential to meet Africa’s unfulfilled demand for goods
    and services, close the gaps in its infrastructural endeavours, create jobs, and decrease poverty. The European Union, the British and
    the United States and indeed all other partners are to engage with Africa on the basis of mutual respect and ethical considerations,
    especially in a post-pandemic world order, to ensure the continuous delivery of mutual benefits for all, inclusive of equitable vaccine
    distribution. This deliberation was led by Cllr. Michael Desmond, the Honourable Speaker of Hackney.

2. The increasingly individualistic disposition of countries in the modern world order was also explored. As western countries ramp
up their vaccination efforts, there is a lot of concern over the when and how countries in Africa are also receiving and distributing
vaccines in a timely manner. Several countries have engaged in “Vaccine Nationalism,” paying for doses in short supply in
quantities that more than cover their own populations. When it comes to saving lives, leaving the distribution of vaccines purely to
the market is absurd as no one is safe until all of us are safe.
However, despite the short medical supply, Africa is fighting the effects of the pandemic with solidarity and social mobilization. To
help enforce the use of face masks and social distancing practices, governments have mounted campaigns, adopting a community-led
approach by reaching out to influential groups and individuals within the community to help raise awareness on the benefits of
social distancing, basic health routines like washing of hands and the adequate use of face masks, especially in public places. This
deliberation was led by H.E Dr. Morie Manyeh, The Sierra Leone High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, representing H.E. Dr.
Julius Maada Bio, the President of Sierra Leone.

3. Full commendation of the summit’s ideas and initiatives by London Political leaders in the community was highlighted by the
Worshipful Mayor of Islington Council, Cllr Troy Gallagher and Cllr Adam Jogee, the Worshipful Mayor of Haringey, in their
speeches, as they both added their voices to the need for a sound political order and democratic peace especially in the developing
countries around the world. Cllr. Gallagher emphasised the need to shape our collective future through the willing participation of
partners to break down barriers, stereotypes and the old ways of work – to shape the new world of freedom and equality, where
everyone can express their best, for the benefit of all.

4. The Uhuru/Raila Peace Accord awards were then presented to deserving leaders. The Award presentation was done by the
Worshipful Mayor of Islington Council, Cllr Troy Gallagher, who presented the first Award for the West African President of the Year
2021, to:

  • His Excellency, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, the President of Sierra Leone, for his progressive policies. President Bio wasrepresented by H.E Dr. Morie Manyeh, the Sierra Leone High Commissioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • HRM. Oba (Dr) Olufolarin Olukayode Ogunsanwo, as London Political Summit Royal Ambassador
  • HRH Oba (Dr) Olusegun Aderemi JP, as Global Safety Ambassador and Safety Man of the Year 2021
  • Cllr. Rakhia Ismail, Former Mayor of the Borough of Islington, as London Political Summit Ambassador for Peace
  • Cllr. Ernest Ezeajughi, Former Mayor of Brent, as London Political Summit Ambassador for Peace
  • Cllr. Adedamola Aminu, Former Mayor of the Borough of Lambeth, as London Political Summit Ambassador
  • Cllr. Susan Fajana-Thomas, as London Political Summit Ambassador for Peace
  • Hon (Prof) Steve Azaiki OON, as London Political Summit Nigerian National Assembly Ambassador
  • Ms Juliana Olayinka Channels TV London, as London Political Summit Ambassador
  • Sir Sonny Iroche, Convener Abia Professionals League
  • Ms Amaka Uzoamaka Ukah, as London Political Commonwealth Ambassador
  • Dr. Alistair Soyode, Founder and CEO of Ben TV
  • Cllr. Adam Jogee, The Worshipful Mayor, Her Majesty’s Borough of Haringey, as the London Political Summit and Awards Mayor of the year 2021
  • Cllr. Michael Desmond, The Honourable Speaker, Her Majesty’s Borough of Hackney, as London Political Summit
  • City Ambassador; Cllr. Troy Gallagher, the Worshipful Mayor of Islington
  • H.E Alh. Atiku Abubakar GCON, represented by Prof. Gold C. Emmanuel, as London Political Summit African Political Man of the Year 2021
  • Cllr. Wayne Fitzgerald, the Deputy Mayor of Cambridge and Peterborough – Combined Authority as London Political Summit Political Leader of the Year 2021
  • Channels tv as London Political Summit Global Diaspora Media of the year 2021; amongst others who joined virtually around the world via zoom.

The London Political Summit UK is grateful for the expression of satisfaction by participants over the work being done in partnership with Global ambassadors across Europe and Africa. The participants agreed to establish lasting relationships that would be leveraged in
consummating the quest for quality governance, progressive policy reforms and the promotion of democratic values across Africa, and the world as a whole.

We cannot conclude this communique without, once more, congratulating all the winners of the 6th London Political Summit
Leadership Awards 2021. It is because of what you do in your different ways for your various communities, for your nations and indeed for the world, that we at the LPS continue to exist and to grow, not just as an organization but for the benefit of humankind.
We must also express huge appreciation for the support and encouragement we continue to receive from all quarters. The perfection
of democracy requires active universal participation in facing and overcoming our mutual challenges together.

Finally, we are delighted to use this opportunity to extend an open invitation to all women and men of goodwill to come together in
recognizing the works of people who sacrifice so much, every day, to make our world a better place. The London Political Summit is just one platform that is working with so many others to support the realization of that universal dream for a better, brighter, safer, healthier, and happier world for all.

As an independent non-profit making entity comprising of respected nationals from over 8 African countries, the London Political Summit is a proud Pan-African organization with a stretch of global reach. We work to promote democratic values, encourage discussions on PanAfrican unity and explore viable options for a collective African progress. Over the years, the London Political Summit has hosted an array of community and global ambassadors with tangible outcomes being implemented at different levels of governance. The operations of the summit are ratified by a board of trustees, spanning 5 African countries.

The London Political Summit is very familiar with the often negative and always draining party political tussles that generally typify political relations in Africa. The overarching reason for our existence, as an entity, is to encourage and recognize the building of bridges amongst people and between communities. Our hope is that Africa would eventually rise to that point where bitter political rancor would cease to divide us and to blight our lives. We have many problems we are battling to overcome; we should not be fighting ourselves or against anyone else. Peace is the prelude to meaningful progress! It is therefore no coincidence that winners of our highest leadership awards have been people who have risen above the turbulence in their particular societies to act as bridges in connecting various factions, protecting values, supporting social cohesion and strengthening democratic governance.

We are honoured to have amongst this year’s winners, awardees hailing from at least 4 African countries in addition to the deserving members of our still growing global family.

The winner of the Uhuru/Raila Peace Award for West African President of the Year 2021, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, the president of Sierra Leone has proven himself to be a capable leader with an inspiring story.
President Bio, who hails from a military background, is a man who has fought hard and honorably, on different fronts, in the pursuit of his country’s national interests. His well-documented reforms in Sierra Leone continue to gain him widespread acclaim and attract him worldwide respect.

This is someone who put a hold on his education to enlist in the army in the midst of chaos and death when Sierra Leone was on the brink of total collapse. Rebels, with a fearsome reputation, were on the prowl and the country became an ugly metaphor for mayhem and murder. This is a story of courage. This is the story of someone who has gone from being “the Best Behaved Boy” in his Secondary School in southern Sierra Leone to becoming “Best President of West Africa” in 2021. An inspiring journey by any account.
When he became a military Head of State in March 1996 then Brigadier . Bio instituted a national Peace Conference, met with the elusive rebel leader, Foday Sankoh, organized presidential and general elections and gave up power to a civilian government. All of these he did in less than three months.

Exactly a quarter of a century later, student Bio found himself in a familiar situation where he had to make a personal sacrifice to answer a national call: he was obliged to put his doctoral research on “Peace Studies” at UK’s Bradford University on hold to answer the call to lead. And in April 2018 he returned to State House as an elected civilian Head of State. In barely three years after this “second coming”
president Julius Maada Bio has impressed independent observers and confounded his critics with many key achievements.

Moving beyond the ordinary everyday run of state functioning, the Sierra Leonean leader has scrapped two controversial legislations,
notoriously used by his predecessors as handy tools of convenience to coerce political opponents and to stifle democratic development: the president worked with the national parliament to repeal a repressive libel law that had been on the law books of Sierra Leone for many decades, and routinely used by those in power at their political convenience. The repeal of Part V of the 1965 Public Order Act which criminalized free speech was a bold step forward in Sierra Leone’s democratic journey.
Working through the national legislature to expunge the death penalty from the law books of Sierra Leone was a brilliant act of leadership and it certainly puts President Bio in the ranks of conscientious progressive
leaders anywhere on the globe.

What also needs to be mentioned here, with adequate emphasis, is the government’s Free Quality Education program which aims to bring knowledge and skills to many Sierra Leonean children for free. An ambitious project with little immediate political dividend but with far-reaching national gains. The huge investment which the government is making in this direction is a commendable testament to President Bio’s visionary determination to invest in the people and change the future of his nation long before that future arrives.
By paying school fees and buying core texts for school children; by making available an appreciable number of School Buses for their use; by instituting School Feeding Programs for the more deprived districts of the country while increasing the salaries for teachers, President Julius Maada Bio and his government are doing what governments are suppose to do but which many can only just talk about.
In the face of inevitable challenges, the quality of true leadership is characterized by the ability to positively shift the focus of the bigger
picture towards the greater general good. Certainly, under the rule of this Sierra Leonean leader, there are enough encouraging indications of a farsighted leadership embarking on a courageous and commendable journey.

It is for these and many other positive reasons, that President Julius Maada Bio is considered to have deservingly earned this prestigious
award which the London Political Summit is honored to proudly grant him.

His Excellency, Alh. Atiku Abubakar is the former Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 1999-2007 representing the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).Atiku Abubakar worked in the Nigerian Customs Service for twenty years, rising to become the Deputy Director (as the second highest position in the Service was then known). He retired in April 1989 and took up full-time business and politics.

In 1998, he was elected Governor of Adamawa State. While still Governor-Elect, he was selected by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)
Presidential Candidate, Olusegun Obasanjo as his running mate. The duo went on to win elections in February 1999, and Atiku Abubakar was sworn-in as Nigeria’s second democratically elected Vice President on May 29, 1999. During his tenure, he successfully presided over the National Council on Privatization, overseeing the sale of hundreds of loss-making and poorly managed public enterprises, leading to the proper utilisation of resources for the benefit of the masses.

He officially declared his intention to run for the 2019 presidential election on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) on
March 27, 2018. Atiku Abubakar became the presidential Flagbearer for the People’s Democratic Party for the 2019 general election on October 7, 2018, by polling 1,532 defeating the 11 other contestants.

He displayed the spirit of Afrocracy by calling for peace from his supporters and standing by the Supreme Court judgement ruling against him in the Presidential elections. Due to his commitment for promoting
democratic values and his dynamic advocacy for a healthy political and social culture, he is deserving of the Uhuru/Raila Peace Accord Awards as African Political Leader of the Year 2021.

At the heart of this cross-continental growth lies our objective as a pan-African body driven by the solid passion to recognise and
encourage the efforts of individual actors involved in the socio-democratic process, working to ensure that progressive sector
reforms and community cohesion are nurtured and encouraged to flourish.

We are immensely grateful for and are hugely proud of the support we have received from Black Table Conversation, Channels tv, BENtv,
AILTV, Voice Magazine and all our media partners who have amplified our message of transparency and credibility in the pursuit of African development.

The London Political Summit welcomes robust critical reviews as a treasure trove of ideas from which we harvest new healthy fruits as we grow. However, as an independent pan-African body with an enviable reputation to protect and a people to serve, we fiercely defend our fairness as we treasure our commitment to the global pursuit of peace, unity and progress.

5. The Conveners of the London Political Summit and awards are – Amb. Dr. Josephine Ojiambo – Former Deputy Secretary General (Political) Commonwealth, London Political Summit Global Ambassador and
Summit Chairperson; Dr Pauline Long – Founder/CEO DCCL and Black Table Conversation, London Political Summit Co-convener and; Mazi Godson Azu – London Political Summit Director and Co-convener.

Together we are one!
Together we rise!
Thank you!


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